Saturday, May 17, 2008

Another week

A couple more pictures of the house. The outside just needs paint on the siding and the columns on the front porch and posts on our back deck for the screened in porch area. The hardwood floors went in this past week and tile is going in next week. It is coming along and very exciting to see everything. We are definitely blessed with this house.
I have been back at work for two weeks now. It has been harder than I thought. I am primarily working with adults now, which is physically exhausting and learning all the new locations with my job is hard too. I've been in one hospital and two nursing homes and will start doing some home health this coming week as well as get oriented to another hospital. It is different not having the same clients as I just go where different places need extra help or coverage. I really miss working with kids. But, it is the way that God is providing for us right now so I am thankful even with all the challenges that have come with working again. I am learning about some aspects of therapy around here and I will be keeping my eyes open for a pediatric position.
I am missing being away from Nathan more. I thought that adjustment would be easier since I worked before we moved, and am continually thankful that he gets to spend each day with Nana and Papa.
I got to spend the morning stamping cards with some friends from church while Brent hung out with Nathan and now Brent is at the movies with some friends so it is good to not have to think about work and everything else for awhile. Everything is going good. We are continuing to get involved in our church and are so thankful for God leading us there and giving us opportunities to serve. The weather has been awesome. I think the hottest it has been so far is maybe the low 80s, but it has mostly been in the 70s and cool at night. We are really enjoying the moderate temperatures here!! Enough of my rambling, I have things to get done around the house while Nathan is napping.

Friday, May 2, 2008


The brick is finished and they have started the drywall this week. The exterior siding needs to be painted and the stone needs to be put on the front area that is not bricked. Brent and I have been picking out paint colors and need to go paint the two we like on the siding to see if they blend with the brick.
I go back to work Monday. Thankfully it is only 4 days next week and now that my parents are here they will be helping with watching Nathan. I am so grateful that they are willing to help with watching him. Leaving him again will be hard, but knowing he will be with my parents does make it a little easier. I am trying to decide what to do with him on our "last day". If I can get my act together here this morning, we will probably go downtown and ride the carousel he loves or do the aquarium again. Yesterday we went to the park with our dogs and Nana and ate lunch there and went and got ice cream. It was funny because we were blowing bubbles and I asked Nathan if he wanted to go get ice cream and he said "no, more bubbles" two separate times. I haven't ever heard a kid turn down ice cream for bubbles! I think he knew it meant leaving the park and he was having too much fun!