Yesterday I took Nathan back to ride the carousel and to play in the splash fountain. It has been warmer these past few days, so playing in the water was nice. I splashed around with him! It is so nice not working for now and getting to spend more time with him. I am so thankful for this time!! Today I am thinking that we'll go to the Y so I can work out and then head to a park to play.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Zoo Trip
"My first monkey visit"
Saturday we took Nate to the Chattanooga zoo, which isn't very big, but he seemed to enjoy it. They have primarily smaller animals, with the largest being the chimpanzees, snow leopards, a cougar, and a camel. Unfortunately no elephants or zebras, which Nathan asked about zebras when we told him where we were going. He liked the friendly chimpanzee at the window who made faces back at you and ran right up to the goats and donkey. So, even though it was small, it was a good first zoo outing. We'll have to take a trip to Atlanta, Knoxville, or Nashville, whichever has the larger zoo so Nathan can see some zebras and elephants.
After our zoo trip we drove around for awhile and found a restaurant called Bones Smokehouse. The picture is of our fried pickles and we had already eaten a lot!! Nathan even liked the fried pickles and liked dipping them in ranch. Brent had a stuffed baked potato with pulled pork, I had a salad topped with beef and a BBQ vinaigrette salad dressing, and Nate had chicken fingers. It all was so yummy! We will definitely be going back.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Nathan's Birthday
At 10:30 pm we will have had Nate in our lives (in addition to the 9 months I carried him) for 2 years. I posted one of the first pictures that was taken of us as a family. It is hard to believe that he is now 2. He is so amazing and such a wonderful gift from God. He is saying new words everyday and knows the names and sounds for most animals even if he can't say them perfectly. He can also name all of the Backyardigans and the Wiggles characters. Pablo is his favorite Backyardigan and he draws out the 'y' when he says Tyrone and it cracks me up. I guess he is getting his southern Tennessee drawl! I took a picture of him when he woke up this morning. He had a good day. Waffles for breakfast, then grocery shopping with mom having fun naming all the fruits and vegetables, and then I took him to lunch at Panera Bread for grilled cheese. After that we went and bought balloons for his birthday and came home. I made his cake while he napped and then Brent got home early and helped me make spaghetti for Nate's birthday dinner, which is one of his favorites. We ended the day with cake, presents and talking to Nana and Papa (my parents) and Grandma and Grandpa (Brent's parents) on the phone. Nate got lots of fun presents including a stuffed hippo from Nana and Papa. He is in this hippo obsession stage. He loves hippos! Brent and I got him a play hut and he got much needed fall clothes and pajamas from Grandma and Grandpa. He also got some other good things. Nathan loved his Pablo cake and had to move his piece of cake to each of the different Backyardigans plates that I got. He ate off of his Pablo plate, then wanted his cake on my Tasha and Uniqua plate and then on Brent's Tyrone and Austin plate, talking about the characters the whole time. Tomorrow we are taking him to the zoo to continue the celebration.
Happy birthday Nathan!! We love you!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A Day at the Park
Today we went to the YMCA so I could work out and Nathan could play with the other kids in the childcare area for awhile and then headed to the park with all the wooden structures to play. So it has been two busy mornings with lots of fun for Nathan!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Our Weekend
This weekend consisted of driving down to Calhoun, GA to the outlet mall on Saturday. It is about 50 miles from where we live, but it didn't seem like a long drive with all the trees to look at along the way. I found Gap jeans for $27, so I will definitely be going back. All of the pictures are from Sunday. We didn't make it to church as we found another church we want to try and it is only meeting every other week at this point and it meets next week. Instead we went to the Chattanooga Market, which is an outdoor market with musicians, food, and booths for people to sell crafts they've made and local farm produce. It was small but nice, and meets every Sunday April through December. Nathan got a balloon puppy there and unfortunately insisted upon draggin puppy's nose on the ground until puppy popped. He just didn't understand where puppy went. When we got in the car he kept asking for "puppy". After this, we went to Coolidge Park, which is only a few minutes from where we were, so we went to take Nathan on the carousel. He loves the zebra and kept saying 'zebra' when I was talking to him about what animal he wanted to ride. After that we went and watched the boats on the river and got an ice cream cone at a local place called Clumpies . We really like Clumpies. We can get an ounce of ice cream in a cup for Nathan, which is just enough for him and pick from all their different locally made flavors for a cone for us. One of the strangest is Firecracker, tutti frutti ice cream with pop rocks on top. I haven't ventured to try that yet.
That was our weekend. We love having downtown so close to us. I am thinking that I will take Nathan back to a splash park that is next to the carousel this week. He was mad that he couldn't go play in the water yesterday. So, hopefully I'll have more pictures from that this week.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Why I decided to write
I never thought I would write a blog. I read them, but I am not really one for sharing my thoughts with just anyone, but with our move to Tennessee and that I am not working right now, I have more time and thought I would set something up to keep family and friends in on what we are up to here. Also, it is clearly evident that God directed all the steps of this move and we just had to step out in faith, something Brent and I don't always like doing because we like our comfort zone. But, to see God work in the past several weeks has been incredible. He has ordered all our steps, recent events in our lives both good and hard, to this point. I don't know what all He has for us here, but I am excited to see. While taking a step of faith is often hard, especially to nudge yourself to do it, God is always faithful in return leading and confirming that step. One thing I am loving is all the trees! After growing up in part of the Rockies, our land bordered on a national forest, and then ending up in Dallas, the trees, landscape, and nice views were lacking. The Smokies and Appalachians look totally different than the Rockies, but to have trees and small mountains again, I love it!! I can't wait for the leaves to start turning as it cools off. Here are a couple of pictures from one of our new favorite parks. There is a walking trail, an awesome wooden and tire play structure and a train to climb into!! We have made several trips to this park already.

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