I spent the morning at the BMW dealership here in Chattanooga (not a place I normally hang out!) with a group of ladies from our church. The dealership was hosting The Ultimate Drive which BMW donates a $1.00 per mile driven to Susan G. Komen for breast cancer research. Anyone with a valid driver's license can go and drive as many times as you want and pick the BMW you drive. I drove the X5 since I love SUVs, but the other ladies I was with drove convertibles and some others. I also got to drive 12-15 miles on the course they map out, so it was nice. I'll post a picture later when I get it from my friend. It was fun and cool getting to drive a very nice car and knowing I was helping a great cause. I know that BMW does this nationwide, so I would encourage you to check out to see if it is or will be going on near you! www.bmwusa.com/theultimatedrive